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So, why Simmons Credit Repair?We’ll give you three reasons: 1. Experience. 20 years and counting. 2. We understand that happy customers leads to referrals; the better we do, the more customers we get, and the more our business grows. Most credit repair companies don’t understand this simple concept – they try to make a quick buck without much effort, leaving their clients with broken promises and poor results. 3. It may not seem like it, but credit repair is fulfilling work. The gratitude we receive on a daily basis from lives we’ve affected is a feeling that’s hard to get anywhere else. This is all to say, we understand our work is important–life changing for many of our clients–and we treat it with the appropriate level of respect and urgency it demands.
Is credit repair legal?Yes. It is your right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to dispute any inaccurate and not verifiable items on your credit report.
How long does it take to see results?94% of our clients see a boost of 10 points in the first 35 days. Over the course of 180 days, our clients expect to see a 103 point increase.
What items can you help me remove?We have a very strong track record helping clients with removals of bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, tax liens, student loans, and more.
How much will it cost meSchedule a free consultation for pricing information.
Does paying off my bills improve my score?Yes and no. Paying your bills on time will improve your credit score in the long run, but it will not remove derogatory accounts such as collections, charge-offs, or other negative marks on your report.
What are EquiFax, TransUnion, and Experian (the "Bureaus")?"The Bureaus are what we call Credit (or Consumer) Reporting Agencies. They’re privately held companies (just like McDonalds or Walmart) that sell your personal and financial information in the form of “credit reports” to businesses who use that information to make an educated decision on whether or not to lend to you. Due to shady practices by these companies in the past, and the ever-growing importance of credit in the lives of Americans, the government created laws to empower consumers to defend themselves from misrepresentation. Unfortunately, even with these laws in place, the processes to challenge these entities and the information they report about you can be very complex and time-consuming.
What areas do you serve?We service clients nation-wide.
Can I meet you in person?Meetings are by appointment only. Please call or schedule appointment online. Keep in mind that there is no advantage to meeting in-person. We offer zoom meetings as well.
Do you charge any up-front fees?We do not. You will only be charged for credit repair after work has been done.
Do I have to do any work?No. We do absolutely all of the work for you.
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